Fun With Project Names

Just like we came up with the name, “Milkweed Alley”, for the alley milkweed seed sowing BBGP sub-project (more about that later), we needed to come up with a better name for the parkway quarter-round development project – which is a bit of a mouthful.

At the end of last summer, Roxy, Larry, and I were enjoying a warm evening and a glass of wine (or 2) on Roxy’s porch. I had finished measuring and making scale drawings of each of the quarter-rounds and mentioned that Sister Celine, who taught math at Nativity BVM elementary school, used mnemonic devices to help us remember some equations related to circles:

Circumference of a circle: Cut dee pie: C = dπ
Area of a circle: A square raspberry pie: A = r2π (radius squared)

We noted the reference to Pi and that the quarter-rounds were big pie shapes.

More wine and relaxation. Conversation turned to the naming of the quarter-round project. Silence, musings, more wine, and Larry, out of nowhere says, “Semper Pi”. At that moment, this was extremely amusing and we laughed and laughed and laughed (I guess, you had to be there).

So, I figure, why not?
Semper – always
Pi – a mathematical constant of an irrational number that never ends
We will refer to this BBGP sub-project as Semper Pi.

Semper Pi it is!

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