Summer of ’22

We sure had some strange weather in April and May, but BBGP got off to an early and good start. Here are some activity updates:

New Semper Pi – Leclaire NW

With the valued assistance of neighbors, the NW corner of Leclaire has been Semper Pi-ed. The grass was removed, soil dug and amended with the free MWRD compost, beds laid out, plants installed, seeds sown, paths mulched with the free Streets & San chipped wood, signage and plant markers installed. Phew! Done!

Despite the really crappy clay soil, the plants are doing amazingly well.

Semper Pi Leclaire NW. Handpainted butterfly by Cynthia Jahraus of 5112 W. Berteau
It’s only the beginning of June but flowers have begun to bloom!
BBGP – Beyond 5000 West

A new BBGP garden has been installed in the parkway of 5217 W. Berteau. Last year, a passerby stopped to talk about BBGP and wanted some advice so she should create a garden in her parkway. This year she stopped by to tell me that she executed it! So, I gave her a BBGP sign. After all, she does live on Berteau!

BBGP has spread west of Laramie!

5217 W. Berteau parkway garden
BBGP Kids Mini

Lilly organized a few of the neighborhood kids and installed a “Kids Mini” butterfly garden in the parkway. Kids Mini is planted with milkweeds to support the monarch caterpillars, and zinnias to support all pollinators.

Mega Nectar Gardens

After last year’s hiatus, The Roxy Owens Mega Nectar Garden has returned this year. It will undoubtedly be glorious again!

The Roxy Owens Mega Nectar Garden – 5038 W. Berteau

Lilly Narvaez completely reworked her front yard, with the help of Carlos, of course, removing all of the grass and turning it into a glorious pollinator and butterfly mega nectar garden. It was a huge effort and a true labor of love. Passers by are already stopping to enjoy it.

Lilly’s lovely front yard garden – 5029 W. Berteau
Blooming beautifully
Clover Lawn

Last summer I removed a section of lawn from my parkway and sowed mini clover seeds, to see what would happen after a winter. Well, I think it is marvelous. It’s a lovely green carpet that chokes out or at least camouflages the weeds. The fragrance of the flowers reminds me of the scent of a meadow from my childhood. The bees adore the flowers. The bunnies love the clover and seem to prefer it to my expensive ornamental plants. Not only is fertilizer not required, clover adds nutrients to the soil. And no mowing required, unless you feel like it.

Clover seed used to be included in the lawn seed mixes of the past. Why, oh why did it become an undesirable?

Here is where I ordered my seed: Outside Pride

Mini clover lawn replacement. No mowing required!
Status of Semper Pi’s

And stay tuned for the invasion of the hairy balls………..

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